Kaliningrad Teutonic castles, amber, and the beauty of the Baltic coast

Home of castles and gothic temples, Kaliningrad was a German city called Königsberg until 1946. Originally home to 370 thousand residents, the city suffered greatly during World War Two when many buildings got destroyed. After the war, the city and the remaining German population of twenty thousand came under the Soviet control.
Today Kaliningrad is the city where the European past meets Russian reality: ruins of Teutonic castles stand side by side with brand-new blocks of concrete and glass, a renovated Catholic cathedral houses on its premises an Orthodox church. The scenery around is magnificent: severe Baltic Sea, sand dunes and vast beaches, pristine national parks and amazing amber deposits. Come visit if you want to see two cultures tightly tangled together in the background of a beautiful landscape. A shiny piece of amber will be a wonderful keepsake to remind you of the trip.
City Sites
The top city sites are clustered on the island of Kneiphof, or simply “on the island” as the locals say. You can get there if you cross the bridge by taxi, by car or take public transportation from Leninsky prospect to the marine cultural centre (Dom Kultury Moryakov). If you opt for public transit, please, expect a 600 meter walk.

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