Yekaterinburg The industrial capital with a rich cultural background

Yekaterinburg (sometimes alternatively romanized as Ekaterinburg) is the home city of Russian Federation’s first President, Boris Yeltsin, and an important industrial center. Its historical center and suburbs are worth studying if you are interested in the history of the industrial architecture. The city is the fourth biggest in Russia — after Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, and Novosibirsk, and one of the richest. Located exactly on the border between Europe and Asia, it borrows the best from both, the high point of the symbiosis being Uralsky pelmeni (a local variation of the Russian ravioli).
The World Cup matches will take place here on June 15th, 21st, 24th, and 27th. The Central Stadium reconstructed and temporarily renamed into the Ekaterinburg Arena will host games Egypt vs. Uruguay, France vs. Peru, Japan vs. Senegal, and Mexico vs. Sweden. After the reconstruction, the stadium’s capacity grew up to 35,000. The Village published a detailed account of the neo-classical Stalinist monument renovation that took place before the World Cup.
The city center of Yekaterinburg is rather compact. This doesn’t mean there is nothing to see, though: Yekaterinburg is one of the rare cities where suburbs are no less worth visiting. It is in the suburbs that you find the real gems of the Soviet Constructivist architecture.

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