Sochi A Russian resort with the recent Olympic past

Stretching over an area of 146 km along the Northeastern coast of the Black Sea, Sochi is one of the world’s longest cities, second only to Mexico. Sochi has been a resort for more a hundred years. In the 1930s, the city became a favorite recreation space of the Soviet elite and the only sea resort accessible to regular Soviet citizens.
Besides hotels and sanatoriums, there are many apartments and apart-hotels for rent. The locals call them lieutenant-hotels as the level of service and comfort hardly reaches two stars. Life in Sochi is quite expensive. Prices here are comparable to prices in Moscow so the locals try to earn as much as possible with every centimeter of property. Pay attention to the exterior of the building when booking an apt. There are whole neighborhoods of the amateur-built “living garages” up to six-storeys high. Obviously, you don't expect much comfort there.
In 2014 Sochi hosted the Winter Olympics, however it didn't improve the city’s hospitality. And yet, just like with any other touristic city, if you are prepared you will enjoy its unique nature, mild climate, and the authentic Russian-Mediterranean cuisine.
Sochi is a large agglomeration which is impossible to tour even in a couple of days. If you like nature and hiking, take a tour to the valleys and mountain waterfalls. There are many of them, so ask for tips at a tourist office or your hotel. Top 3 natural landmarks are the Arboretum with a pond and cable cars, the national park Krasnaya Polyana, and Mount Akhun. In the old Sochi, take a walk along the beach promenade starting from the Seaport, take a boat, ride a hoverboard, and dine at a restaurant nearby. Then visit the Olympic Park with its waterfront, electric scooters, and bikes.

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