Samara The hedonistic capital of Russia

Despite its temperate climate, Samara is a self-proclaimed resort. The city stretches along the Volga bank and wisely occupies every centimeter of the coastline. Country's best public waterfront and a clean sandy beach set the tone for the whole city. During warmer months locals finish working early so that they can get a pint of beer, bathe in the fresh waters of the Volga or catch some sun rays before dusk.
Beer is an absolute cult here. The Russian star lager of all times, Zhigulevskoye originated in Samara and have been brewed at the local brewery since 1881. Powered by the Volga river, the brewery is located on the river bank between two embankments. Getting a beer there is like baptism: this is how you should start exploring the city. After the ritual, dive into the old merchantry life of the historic center and discover a rather peculiar architecture of industrial constructivism that came to the city with the October Revolution.
You can see the main city landmarks in a couple of hours. When you are done with the key historic sights explore the old city courtyards and their extraordinary architecture. Ask the locals to show you the real city, and they would gladly do so. Try Facebook or Tinder. The locals like tourists and will happily to introduce you to their routine, which includes beer, long strolls and evening swims in the river. Check out the remnants of historical buildings – Galaktionovskaya, Lev Tolstoy, Frunze, and Samarskaya streets still have old houses from the late XIXth-the early XXth centuries made of stone and wood. Pay special attention to the neighborhood courtyards with their benches, decorations, stairs and annex buildings that have been studied by urban researchers around the world.
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